Specialising in the sale and sourcing of heavy mining equipment, auctions and valuations

National Machinery Xchange specialises in the sale and sourcing of heavy equipment and machinery found in the mining, construction, transport and agriculture industries. We operate in locations throughout Australia with the support of a vast network of infrastructure and personnel.
If you are looking to buy equipment, we offer a wide range of acquisition services and machinery sales options such as transport and finance for equipment. If you are looking to sell your equipment, we offer a wide range of formats in order to give you the best chance of selling your machinery and getting you the best sale price via our valuation and auction services.
Buy Equipment
We sell machinery such as excavators, mining trucks, dozers, graders, loaders and light vehicles. If you are looking to buy a particular type of equipment, we can also source machinery for you. We offer face-to-face and online auction services, including online tenders and private sales options.
If you are looking to buy equipment but don’t have the capital, we also offer finance options through our partner ifin Capital.
Sell Equipment
If you have equipment for sale, we can offer various disposal options such as face-to-face and online auctions, online tenders and private sales. If you are looking to sell heavy equipment, our valuation services can also give you an idea of the true value of your equipment in todays market conditions.
We also regularly buy heavy mining equipment. If you would like to propose the sale of your equipment, please contact NMX for more information.
ComplEmentary OFFERINGS



National Machinery Xchange
National Machinery Xchange offers the sale and sourcing of heavy mining and construction equipment, offering services such as auctions, valuations and finance. Simon Brown, NMX General Manager has developed a reputation as one of the most trusted names in heavy equipment valuation and machinery sales. Simon began his career in heavy machinery sales 30 years ago and has a wealth of experience managing the sale and purchase of equipment of any size.